Affiliated Researchers
Dickinson, Janis Professor Emerita, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University | jld84@cornell.EDU | |
Edwards, Danielle Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences, UC Merced | dedwards5@ucmerced.EDU | |
Frank, Laurence Director Laikipia Predator Project | (510) 848-0418 | lgfrank@berkeley.EDU |
Hansen, Robert Consulting Herpetologist, Clovis, CA | | |
Hijmans, Robert Professor, UC Davis | rhijmans@ucdavis.EDU | |
Jockusch, Elizabeth Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut | elizabeth.jockusch@uconn.EDU | |
Klitz, Karen Retired Archivist | kklitz@berkeley.EDU | |
Kozak, Chris Assistant Project Scientist, California Conservation Genomics Project | kozakk@berkeley.EDU | |
Leache, Adam Professor, University of Washington & Curator of Genetic Resources and Herpetology, Burke Museum | leache@uw.EDU | |
Mindell, David Former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan; Former Dean and Curator, California Academy of Sciences | | |
Moritz, Craig Professor, The Australian National University | | |
Rodriguez, Javier A. Professor of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas | javier.rodriguez@unlv.EDU | |
Sage, Richard D. Independent Researcher, Bariloche, Argentina | | |
Scarpetta, Simon Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco | scas100@berkeley.EDU | |
Shabel, Alan Lecturer and Researcher, UC Berkeley | shabel@berkeley.EDU | |
Shaffer, H. Bradley Professor, UCLA | brad.shaffer@ucla.EDU | |
Stein, Barbara R. Researcher | ||
Stromberg, Mark R. Former Resident Reserve Director, Hasting Natural History Reservation (Retired) | (831) 659-2664 | stromberg@berkeley.EDU |
Summers, Adam P. Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishing Sciences and Investigator Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington | (949) 824-9359 | asummers@uci.EDU |
Vredenburg, Vance T. Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University | (415) 338-7296 | vancev@sfsu.EDU |
Wall, Jeff Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine | wallj@humgen.ucsf.EDU | |
Yu, Alex Hon-Tsen Professor Emeritus, Department of Life Science, Museum of Zoology, Degree Program of Genome and Systems Biology, National Taiwan University | |