MVZ Directory
Abrams, Rebecca
Martin Lab Manager
Amini, Sina
Grad Student - McGuire
Bach, Bryan
Lab Tech
Barclay, Theresa
Senior Museum Scientist - Prep Lab Manager
(510) 642-1379
Beery, Annaliese
Assistant Professor (IB)
Beissinger, Steven
Professor (Dept. ESPM)
Conservation biology; behavioral and population ecology.
(510) 643-3038
Bishop, Anusha
Grad Student - Wang
Bogner, Emily
Grad Student - Tseng
Bowie, Rauri
Professor / Curator of Birds
Systematics and evolution of birds, primarily in Africa; morphological and molecular variation among avian populations.
(510) 643-1617
Brashares, Justin
Professor (Dept. ESPM)
(510) 643-6080
Cama, Bruna
Postdoc - Martin
Chambers, E. Anne
Postdoc - Wang
Chang, Ann
AmphibiaWeb Coordinator
Cicero, Carla
Emeritus Staff Curator and Researcher - Birds
Systematics, geographic variation, and evolution of New World birds, with an emphasis on western North America; ORNIS; Digital MVZ Project
Conroy, Christopher J.
Staff Curator and Researcher - Mammals
Systematics and biogeography of rodents, particularly voles and lemmings; Grinnell Resurvey Project
(510) 643-7709
Corl, Ammon
Staff Research Associate
DaVila, Michelle
California Conservation Genomic Project Coordinator
Deck, John
Programmer Analyst
Programmer for Moorea Biocode, GEOME, BerkeleyMapper
Del Valle, Jaime
Reserve Steward
(831) 659-2664
Dickinson, Janis
Professor Emerita, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University
Bird and insect behavior; avian conservation biology, citizen science
Draper, Sophie
Tarvin Lab Tech
Dudley, Robert
Chair / Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology)
Biomechanics, energetics, and evolution of animal flight, particularly in insects and hummingbirds.
(510) 642-1555
Dunaway, Billy
Computer Resource Specialist
(510) 388-9169
Durkin, Sylvia
Grad Student - Nachman
Edwards, Danielle
Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences, UC Merced
Integrative evolutionary biology and conservation genetics
Eisen, Michael
Professor (Molecular and Cell Biology & Dept. Biophysics & LBL)
Computational and experimental genomic approaches to study regulation of gene expression.
(510) 666-3640
Frank, Laurence
Director Laikipia Predator Project
Conservation and ecology of large African predators
(510) 848-0418
Galvez, Jackie
Grad Student - Tseng
Gilbert, Henry
Research Manager-Human Evolution Research Center
African plio - pleistocene paleontology, pleistocene human evolution
(510) 642-7952
Gross, Joyce
Programmer Analyst
AmphibiaWeb,CalPhotos, BNHM services
Grundler, Maggie
Grad Student - Rosenblum
Gruppi, Cristian
Visiting Scholar
Guzman, Rhanee
CSS: Research Administrator (Contracts & Grants)
(510) 642-6976
Guzman, Alex
Grad Student - Nielsen
Hansen, Robert
Consulting Herpetologist, Clovis, CA
Distribution and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles in California and Northern Mexico.
Hayes, Tyrone
Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology)
Developmental endocrinology of anuran amphibians.
(510) 643-1054
Herrera, Tommy
Grad Student - Nachman
Hijmans, Robert
Professor, UC Davis
Ecological modeling, DIVA-GIS, agricultural geography, biodiversity conservation, climate change
Hoeflich, Jennifer
Grad Student - Liu
Horr, Daisy
Grad Student - Lacey
Huelsenbeck, John
Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) & Research Phylogeneticist
Analytical methods for inferring relationships of organisms and examining patterns of sequence variation for signatures of molecular evolution
(510) 643-5890
Hunter, Jennifer
Reserve Resident Director
(831) 659-2664
Jeckel, Adriana
Postdoc - Tarvin
Jimenez, Victor Ortega
Assistant Professor (IB)
Jockusch, Elizabeth
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut
Phenotypic and developmental evolution, salamanders, insects, phylogenetics
Karin, Ben
Postdoc - Wang
Klitz, Karen
Retired Archivist
Doing Natural History, MVZ History
Koenig, Walter
Researcher (Hastings Natural History Reserve)
Koo, Michelle
Staff Curator, Biodiversity Informatics & GIS and Researcher
Herpetology and evolutionary biogeography; MVZ Archives and Assoc. Director of AmphibiaWeb
(510) 642-8547
Kozak, Chris
Assistant Project Scientist, California Conservation Genomics Project
Krone, Isaac
Grad Student - McGuire
Kustra, Matt
Postdoc - Martin
Lacey, Eileen A.
Professor / Curator of Mammals
(510) 643-0284
Leache, Adam
Professor, University of Washington & Curator of Genetic Resources and Herpetology, Burke Museum
systematics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, population genetics, and species delimitation
Linn, Isaac
Grad Student - Nachman
Lovette, Diana
Web Developer
Amphibian Disease Portal
Lyon, Sean
Affiliated Grad Student - Bowie
Magill, Carlie
Museum Administrator
(510) 643-4699
Manahan, David
Grad Student - Nachman
Maro, Aleksey
Grad Student - Dudley
Martin, Chris
Associate Professor / Curator of Fishes
Ichthyology, speciation
McDonald, Dusty
Arctos Database
McGuire, Jimmy A.
Professor / Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles / Associate Director
Systematics and evolution of reptiles and amphibians, particularly those of Southeast Asia; Hummingbird evolution.
(510) 316-6201
Mindell, David
Former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan; Former Dean and Curator, California Academy of Sciences
Biodiversity Science, Systematics, and Conservation Biology
Moritz, Craig
Professor, The Australian National University
Myles, John
Grad Student - Bowie
Nachman, Michael
Professor / Curator of Mammals / Director
(510) 642-1792
Navarrete, Anaid Cárdenas
Grad Student - Razafindratsima
Navarrete, Anaid
Grad Student - Razafindratsima
Navarrete-Mendez, Maria Jose
Grad Student - Tarvin
Nielsen, Rasmus
Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology)
Statistical and computational methods and their applications in population and medical genetics, molecular ecology and evolution.
(510) 643-4993
Ochoa Ochoa, Leticia
Visiting Professor
Oliveira, Daniel
Grad Student - Wang
Palominos, Fena
Postdoc - Martin
Patton, James L.
Emeritus Professor / Curator of Mammals
(510) 643-7712
Pearson, Kannon
Grad Student - Tarvin
Ramananjato, Vero
Grad Student - Razafindratsima
Ramirez-Castaneda, Valeria
Grad Student - Tarvin
Razafindratsima, Onja
Assistant Professor (IB)
Rodriguez, Javier A.
Professor of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Systematics, population and evolutionary ecology, phylogeography
Rosenblum, Erica Bree
Professor (Dept. ESPM)
Evolutionary biology, ecological genomics, global change biology, herpetology
(510) 642-2108
Sage, Richard D.
Independent Researcher, Bariloche, Argentina
Evolution of house mice and leopard frogs; mouse viruses and human cancers; ecology of Argentine amphibians, reptiles, and rodents
Scarpetta, Simon
Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco
Schell, Christopher
Assistant Professor
Shabel, Alan
Lecturer and Researcher, UC Berkeley
Shaffer, H. Bradley
Professor, UCLA
Systematics, phylogeography and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles
Smith, Lydia
Evolutionary Genetics Lab Manager & Researcher
(510) 642-0647
Spencer, Carol L.
Staff Curator and Researcher - Reptiles and Amphibians
Biogeography, geographic variation, and life history evolution in squamates, especially in western North America.
(510) 643-5778
Stein, Barbara R.
Mammalian morphology and systematics; history of biology, MaNIS
Stenske, John
CSS: Financial Analyst
(510) 642-6979
Stromberg, Mark R.
Former Resident Reserve Director, Hasting Natural History Reservation (Retired)
Conservation biology; small mammal and grassland ecology; web-based education
(831) 659-2664
Summers, Adam P.
Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishing Sciences and Investigator Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington
Biomechanics of reptiles, amphibians, and fishes; effects of tissue material properties on form and function
(949) 824-9359
Tarvin, Rebecca
Assistant Professor / Assistant Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles
Herpetology, evolution of toxicity and aposematism
Tian, David
Grad Student - Martin
Tralka, Charles
Grad Student - Martin
Voong, Lam
Arctos Database Administrator
Voss, Erin
Grad Student - Nachman
Vredenburg, Vance T.
Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University
Evolution, ecology and conservation of amphibians, co-founder of AmphibiaWeb
(415) 338-7296
Wake, Marvalee H.
Professor of the Graduate School (Dept. Integrative Biology) and Research Morphologist
Evolutionary morphology; vertebrate reproductive biology.
(510) 642-4743
Wall, Jeff
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine
Evolutionary and human genetics
Wang, Ian
Assistant Professor (Dept. ESPM)
Landscape genetics, landscape ecology, ecological and conservation genomics.
(510) 664-4684
Wenner, Sarah
Grad Student - Rosenblum
Westeen, Erin
Postdoc - Wang
White, Tim D.
Professor & Director of the Human Evolution Research Center
Evolutionary biology of hominoid primates, particularly African hominids; human skeletal biology and zooarchaeology.
(510) 642-2889
Whiteman, Noah
Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology)
The origin of new species, traits and the maintenance of functional genetic variation in populations.
(510) 664-7545
Yu, Alex Hon-Tsen
Professor Emeritus, Department of Life Science, Museum of Zoology, Degree Program of Genome and Systems Biology, National Taiwan University