Abrams, Rebecca Martin Lab Manager | ridabrams@berkeley.EDU | |
Amini, Sina Grad Student - McGuire | sinaamini@berkeley.EDU | |
Bach, Bryan Lab Tech | bhb@berkeley.EDU | |
Barclay, Theresa Senior Museum Scientist - Prep Lab Manager | (510) 642-1379 | tlynnwong@berkeley.EDU |
Beery, Annaliese Assistant Professor (IB) | abeery@berkeley.EDU | |
Beissinger, Steven Professor (Dept. ESPM) Conservation biology; behavioral and population ecology. | (510) 643-3038 | beis@berkeley.EDU |
Bishop, Anusha Grad Student - Wang | anusha.bishop@berkeley.EDU | |
Bogner, Emily Grad Student - Tseng | bogneremilyl@berkeley.EDU | |
Bowie, Rauri Professor / Curator of Birds Systematics and evolution of birds, primarily in Africa; morphological and molecular variation among avian populations. | (510) 643-1617 | bowie@berkeley.EDU |
Brashares, Justin Professor (Dept. ESPM) | (510) 643-6080 | brashares@berkeley.EDU |
Cama, Bruna Postdoc - Martin | brunacama@berkeley.EDU | |
Chambers, E. Anne Postdoc - Wang | eachambers@berkeley.EDU | |
Chang, Ann AmphibiaWeb Coordinator | anntchang@berkeley.EDU | |
Cicero, Carla Emeritus Staff Curator and Researcher - Birds Systematics, geographic variation, and evolution of New World birds, with an emphasis on western North America; ORNIS; Digital MVZ Project | ccicero@berkeley.EDU | |
Conroy, Christopher J. Staff Curator and Researcher - Mammals Systematics and biogeography of rodents, particularly voles and lemmings; Grinnell Resurvey Project | (510) 643-7709 | ondatra@berkeley.EDU |
Corl, Ammon Staff Research Associate | corlammon@gmail.com | |
DaVila, Michelle California Conservation Genomic Project Coordinator | mdavila@berkeley.EDU | |
Deck, John Programmer Analyst Programmer for Moorea Biocode, GEOME, BerkeleyMapper | jdeck@berkeley.EDU | |
Del Valle, Jaime Reserve Steward | (831) 659-2664 | delvalle@berkeley.EDU |
Dickinson, Janis Professor Emerita, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University Bird and insect behavior; avian conservation biology, citizen science | jld84@cornell.EDU | |
Draper, Sophie Tarvin Lab Tech | sophiedraper@berkeley.EDU | |
Dudley, Robert Chair / Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) Biomechanics, energetics, and evolution of animal flight, particularly in insects and hummingbirds. | (510) 642-1555 | wings@socrates.berkeley.EDU |
Dunaway, Billy Computer Resource Specialist | (510) 388-9169 | willdun@berkeley.EDU |
Durkin, Sylvia Grad Student - Nachman | sdurkin@berkeley.EDU | |
Edwards, Danielle Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences, UC Merced Integrative evolutionary biology and conservation genetics | dedwards5@ucmerced.EDU | |
Eisen, Michael Professor (Molecular and Cell Biology & Dept. Biophysics & LBL) Computational and experimental genomic approaches to study regulation of gene expression. | (510) 666-3640 | mbeisen@lbl.gov |
Frank, Laurence Director Laikipia Predator Project Conservation and ecology of large African predators | (510) 848-0418 | lgfrank@berkeley.EDU |
Galvez, Jackie Grad Student - Tseng | jacquelyngalvez@berkeley.EDU | |
Gilbert, Henry Research Manager-Human Evolution Research Center African plio - pleistocene paleontology, pleistocene human evolution | (510) 642-7952 | spider@berkeley.EDU |
Gross, Joyce Programmer Analyst AmphibiaWeb,CalPhotos, BNHM services | joyceg@berkeley.EDU | |
Grundler, Maggie Grad Student - Rosenblum | mgrundler@berkeley.EDU | |
Gruppi, Cristian Visiting Scholar | cristiangruppi@berkeley.EDU | |
Guzman, Rhanee CSS: Research Administrator (Contracts & Grants) | (510) 642-6976 | rhaneeg@berkeley.EDU |
Guzman, Alex Grad Student - Nielsen | alexguzman@berkeley.EDU | |
Hansen, Robert Consulting Herpetologist, Clovis, CA Distribution and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles in California and Northern Mexico. | herpreview@gmail.com | |
Hayes, Tyrone Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) Developmental endocrinology of anuran amphibians. | (510) 643-1054 | tyrone@berkeley.EDU |
Herrera, Tommy Grad Student - Nachman | tommy_herrera@berkeley.EDU | |
Hijmans, Robert Professor, UC Davis Ecological modeling, DIVA-GIS, agricultural geography, biodiversity conservation, climate change | rhijmans@ucdavis.EDU | |
Hoeflich, Jennifer Grad Student - Liu | jchoeflich@berkeley.EDU | |
Horr, Daisy Grad Student - Lacey | daisy_horr@berkeley.EDU | |
Huelsenbeck, John Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) & Research Phylogeneticist Analytical methods for inferring relationships of organisms and examining patterns of sequence variation for signatures of molecular evolution | (510) 643-5890 | johnh@berkeley.EDU |
Hunter, Jennifer Reserve Resident Director | (831) 659-2664 | jshunter@berkeley.EDU |
Jeckel, Adriana Postdoc - Tarvin | amjeckel@berkeley.EDU | |
Jimenez, Victor Ortega Assistant Professor (IB) | vortex@berkeley.EDU | |
Jockusch, Elizabeth Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut Phenotypic and developmental evolution, salamanders, insects, phylogenetics | elizabeth.jockusch@uconn.EDU | |
Karin, Ben Postdoc - Wang | benkarin@berkeley.EDU | |
Klitz, Karen Retired Archivist Doing Natural History, MVZ History | kklitz@berkeley.EDU | |
Koenig, Walter Researcher (Hastings Natural History Reserve) | wdk4@cornell.EDU | |
Koo, Michelle Staff Curator, Biodiversity Informatics & GIS and Researcher Herpetology and evolutionary biogeography; MVZ Archives and Assoc. Director of AmphibiaWeb | (510) 642-8547 | mkoo@berkeley.EDU |
Kozak, Chris Assistant Project Scientist, California Conservation Genomics Project | kozakk@berkeley.EDU | |
Krone, Isaac Grad Student - McGuire | ikrone@berkeley.EDU | |
Kustra, Matt Postdoc - Martin | matthewckustra@berkeley.EDU | |
Lacey, Eileen A. Professor / Curator of Mammals | (510) 643-0284 | ealacey@berkeley.EDU |
Leache, Adam Professor, University of Washington & Curator of Genetic Resources and Herpetology, Burke Museum systematics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, population genetics, and species delimitation | leache@uw.EDU | |
Linn, Isaac Grad Student - Nachman | ijlinn@berkeley.EDU | |
Lovette, Diana Web Developer Amphibian Disease Portal | ||
Lyon, Sean Affiliated Grad Student - Bowie | slyon@berkeley.EDU | |
Magill, Carlie Museum Administrator | (510) 643-4699 | carliemagill@berkeley.EDU |
Manahan, David Grad Student - Nachman | david_manahan@berkeley.EDU | |
Maro, Aleksey Grad Student - Dudley | alekseymaro@berkeley.EDU | |
Martin, Chris Associate Professor / Curator of Fishes Ichthyology, speciation | chmartin@berkeley.EDU | |
McDonald, Dusty Programmer Arctos Database | dustymc@gmail.com | |
McGuire, Jimmy A. Professor / Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles / Associate Director Systematics and evolution of reptiles and amphibians, particularly those of Southeast Asia; Hummingbird evolution. | (510) 316-6201 | mcguirej@berkeley.EDU |
Mindell, David Former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan; Former Dean and Curator, California Academy of Sciences Biodiversity Science, Systematics, and Conservation Biology | dpmindell@gmail.com | |
Moritz, Craig Professor, The Australian National University | craig.moritz@anu.EDU.au | |
Myles, John Grad Student - Bowie | johnwmyles@berkeley.EDU | |
Nachman, Michael Professor / Curator of Mammals / Director | (510) 642-1792 | mnachman@berkeley.EDU |
Navarrete, Anaid Cárdenas Grad Student - Razafindratsima | anaid.cardenas@berkeley.EDU | |
Navarrete, Anaid Grad Student - Razafindratsima | anaid.cardenas@berkeley.EDU | |
Navarrete-Mendez, Maria Jose Grad Student - Tarvin | mnavarrete@berkeley.EDU | |
Nielsen, Rasmus Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) Statistical and computational methods and their applications in population and medical genetics, molecular ecology and evolution. | (510) 643-4993 | rasmus_nielsen@berkeley.EDU |
Ochoa Ochoa, Leticia Visiting Professor | leticia.ochoa@berkeley.EDU | |
Oliveira, Daniel Grad Student - Wang | daniel.oliveira@berkeley.EDU | |
Palominos, Fena Postdoc - Martin | mfpalominos@berkeley.EDU | |
Patton, James L. Emeritus Professor / Curator of Mammals | (510) 643-7712 | patton@berkeley.EDU |
Pearson, Kannon Grad Student - Tarvin | kannonpearson@berkeley.EDU | |
Ramananjato, Vero Grad Student - Razafindratsima | veronarindra@berkeley.EDU | |
Ramirez-Castaneda, Valeria Grad Student - Tarvin | vramirezc@berkeley.EDU | |
Razafindratsima, Onja Assistant Professor (IB) | onja@berkeley.EDU | |
Rodriguez, Javier A. Professor of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Systematics, population and evolutionary ecology, phylogeography | javier.rodriguez@unlv.EDU | |
Rosenblum, Erica Bree Professor (Dept. ESPM) Evolutionary biology, ecological genomics, global change biology, herpetology | (510) 642-2108 | rosenblum@berkeley.EDU |
Sage, Richard D. Independent Researcher, Bariloche, Argentina Evolution of house mice and leopard frogs; mouse viruses and human cancers; ecology of Argentine amphibians, reptiles, and rodents | rdsagestuff@hotmail.com | |
Scarpetta, Simon Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco | scas100@berkeley.EDU | |
Schell, Christopher Assistant Professor | cjschell@berkeley.EDU | |
Shabel, Alan Lecturer and Researcher, UC Berkeley | shabel@berkeley.EDU | |
Shaffer, H. Bradley Professor, UCLA Systematics, phylogeography and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles | brad.shaffer@ucla.EDU | |
Smith, Lydia Evolutionary Genetics Lab Manager & Researcher | (510) 642-0647 | lydsmith@berkeley.EDU |
Spencer, Carol L. Staff Curator and Researcher - Reptiles and Amphibians Biogeography, geographic variation, and life history evolution in squamates, especially in western North America. | (510) 643-5778 | atrox@berkeley.EDU |
Stein, Barbara R. Researcher Mammalian morphology and systematics; history of biology, MaNIS | ||
Stenske, John CSS: Financial Analyst | (510) 642-6979 | jstenske@berkeley.EDU |
Stromberg, Mark R. Former Resident Reserve Director, Hasting Natural History Reservation (Retired) Conservation biology; small mammal and grassland ecology; web-based education | (831) 659-2664 | stromberg@berkeley.EDU |
Summers, Adam P. Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishing Sciences and Investigator Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington Biomechanics of reptiles, amphibians, and fishes; effects of tissue material properties on form and function | (949) 824-9359 | asummers@uci.EDU |
Tarvin, Rebecca Assistant Professor / Assistant Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetology, evolution of toxicity and aposematism | rdtarvin@berkeley.EDU | |
Tian, David Grad Student - Martin | davidtian@berkeley.EDU | |
Tralka, Charles Grad Student - Martin | charles.tralka@berkeley.EDU | |
Voong, Lam Programmer Arctos Database Administrator | ||
Voss, Erin Grad Student - Nachman | erinvoss@berkeley.EDU | |
Vredenburg, Vance T. Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University Evolution, ecology and conservation of amphibians, co-founder of AmphibiaWeb | (415) 338-7296 | vancev@sfsu.EDU |
Wake, Marvalee H. Professor of the Graduate School (Dept. Integrative Biology) and Research Morphologist Evolutionary morphology; vertebrate reproductive biology. | (510) 642-4743 | mhwake@berkeley.EDU |
Wall, Jeff Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine Evolutionary and human genetics | wallj@humgen.ucsf.EDU | |
Wang, Ian Assistant Professor (Dept. ESPM) Landscape genetics, landscape ecology, ecological and conservation genomics. | (510) 664-4684 | ianwang@berkeley.EDU |
Wenner, Sarah Grad Student - Rosenblum | sarah_wenner@berkeley.EDU | |
Westeen, Erin Postdoc - Wang | ewesteen@berkeley.EDU | |
White, Tim D. Professor & Director of the Human Evolution Research Center Evolutionary biology of hominoid primates, particularly African hominids; human skeletal biology and zooarchaeology. | (510) 642-2889 | timwhite@berkeley.EDU |
Whiteman, Noah Professor (Dept. Integrative Biology) The origin of new species, traits and the maintenance of functional genetic variation in populations. | (510) 664-7545 | whiteman@berkeley.EDU |
Yu, Alex Hon-Tsen Professor Emeritus, Department of Life Science, Museum of Zoology, Degree Program of Genome and Systems Biology, National Taiwan University | ayu@ntu.EDU.tw |