Publications About the MVZ
Many of these publications result from research using the MVZ Archives, including its field notebooks and historical correspondences. With the support of the Council of Library and Information Resources (CLIR), the MVZ Archives’ finding aids are published on the Online Archive of California. Please let us know if you see any missing.
- Hiller AE, Cicero C, Albe MJ, Barclay TLW, Spencer CL, Koo MS, Bowie RCK, and Lacey EA. 2017. Mutualism in museums: A model for engaging undergraduates in biodiversity science. PLoS Biol 15(11): e2003318.
- Griesemer, J. 2013. Integration of Approaches in David Wake’s Model-Taxon Research Platform for Evolutionary Morphology. Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44: 525–536. or from author
- Sunderland, M. E. 2013. “Modernizing Natural History: Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Transition.” Journal of the History of Biology 46(3): 369-400.
- Sunderland, M.E. 2013. Computerizing natural history collections, Endeavour.
- Sunderland, M. 2012. “Collections-Based Research at Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.” Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol. 42 (2): 83-113. ISSN 1939-1811, electronic ISSN 1939-182X.
- Ilerbaig, J. 2010. Specimens as Records: Scientific Practice and Recordkeeping in Natural History Research. American Archivist. 73, 463-482.
- Griesemer, J. R. and A. Shavit 2009. “There and Back Again, or the Problem of Locality in Biodiversity Surveys.” Philosophy of Science. Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 273-294
- Shuford, W. D. 2005. “Familiar faces & female foresight: Brief reflections on the history of field ornithology in California.” Birding 37:38-42.
- Rodriguez-Robles, J. A., D.A. Good, and D.B. Wake. 2003. “Brief History of Herpetology in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, with a List of Type Specimens of Recent Amphibians and Reptiles.” University of California Publications in Zoology 131:1-119.
- Lacey, E. A., J. Wieczorek, R. D. Sage, M. I. Christie; R. A. Ojeda, E. P. Lessa, C. E. Borghi, M. Gallardo, U. Pardinas and A. Monjeau. 2003. “Oliver Pearson (1915-2003).” Obituary. Mastozoologia Neotropical/Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy 10(1): 195-205.
- Stein, B. R. 2001. “On Her Own Terms, Annie Montague Alexander and the Rise of Science in the American West.” University of California Press, Berkeley.
- Stein, B. R. 1997. “Annie M. Alexander: Extraordinary Patron.” Journal of the History of Biology 30: 243-266.
- Gerson, E. M. 1996. “Comparative Biology in the 21st Century.” Notes for a talk at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, January 17, 1996.
- Johnson, N. K. 1995. “Ornithology at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley.” Pp. 183-221 in Contributions to the History of North American Ornithology, Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, No. 12, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Layne, J.M. and R.S. Hoffmann. 1994. “Presidents.” Pp. 22-70 in Seventy-five Years of Mammalogy (1919-1994), E.C. Birney and J.R. Choate (eds.), Special Publication, The American Society of Mammalogists 11:1-433.
- Whitaker, J. O., Jr. 1994. “Academic Propinquity: III. The Joseph Grinnell/E. R. Hall Group (Berkeley and Kansas).” Pp. 129-134 in Seventy-five Years of Mammalogy (1919-1994), E.C.
Birney and J.R. Choate (eds.), Special Publication, The American Society of Mammalogists 11:1-433. - Pitelka, F. A. 1993. “Academic Family Tree for Loye and Alden Miller.” The Condor 95: 1065-1067.
- Griesemer, J. R. and E. M. Gerson. 1993. “Collaboration in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.” Journal of the History of Biology 26(2): 185-204.
- Griesemer, J. R. 1992. “Niche: Historical Perspectives,” in Key Words in Evolutionary Biology, E. F. Keller and E. S. Lloyd (eds.),Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 231-240. [NOTE: the Archive has a talk by Griesemer dated 16 October 1989, “Niche: Some Historical Considerations”.]
- Griesemer, J. R. 1991. “Material Models in Biology”, in PSA 1990, volume 2, A. Fine, M. Forbes and L. Wessels (eds.), East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, 79-93.
- Jones, J. K., Jr. 1991. “Genealogy of Twentieth-Century Systematic Mammalogists in North America: the Descendants of Joseph Grinnell.” Pp. 48-55, in Latin American Mammalogy: History, Biodiversity, and Conservation, M. A. Mares and D. J. Schmidly (eds.), University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 468 pp.
- Griesemer, J. R. 1990. “Modeling in the Museum: On the Role of Remnant Models in the Work of Joseph Grinnell.” Biology and Philosophy 5: 3-36.
- Star, S. L. and J. R. Griesemer. 1989. “Institutional Ecology, ‘Translations,’ and Boundary Objects: Amateurs and Professionals in Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1907 – 1939.” Social Studies of Science 19: 387-420.
- Gerson, E. M. 1987. “Audiences and Allies: the Transformation of American Zoology, 1880-1930.” Presentation at the Conference on History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Blacksburg, VA, June 1987.
- Herman, S. G. 1986. “The Naturalist’s Field Journal: A Manual of Instruction based on a System Established by Joseph Grinnell.” Buteo Books, Vermillion, South Dakota.
- Star, S. L. 1986. “Organizing Nature: Annie Montague Alexander, 1867-1950.” Proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities. June 1, 1986.
- Sterling, K. B. 1978. “Introduction.” in Biologists and Their World (Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America). L. Agassiz, K. B. Sterling, and J. L. Agassiz. Arno Press, i-xx.
- Sterling, K. B. 1978. “Introduction.” in An Account of the Mammals and Birds of the Lower Colorado Valley, J. Grinnell, Arno Press, New York, i-xx.
- Grinnell, H. W. 1958. “Annie Montague Alexander.” Grinnell Naturalists Society. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley.
- Grinnell, H. W. 1940. “Joseph Grinnell: 1877-1939 (PDF).” The Condor. Berkeley, California, 27 cm. vol. XLII, no. 1, p. 1-38.
- Hall, E. R. 1939. “Joseph Grinnell (1877 to 1939).” Obituary. Journal of Mammalogy 20: 409-417.