Researchers of the MVZ
- Faculty Curators
- Affiliated Faculty
- Staff Curators & Researchers
- Post-doctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars
- Graduate Students
- Affiliated Researchers
Faculty Curators

Affiliated Faculty

Staff Curators & Researchers

Post-Doctoral Fellows & Visiting Scholars

Graduate Students

Affiliated Researchers
Janis Dickinson, Professor Emerita, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University
Danielle Edwards, Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences, UC Merced
Laurence Frank, Director, Laikipia Predator Project
Robert Hansen, Consultant, Editor of Herpetological Review
Robert Hijmans, Professor, UC Davis
Elizabeth Jockusch, Professor, University of Connecticut
Chris Kozak, Assistant Project Scientist, California Conservation Genomics Project
Adam Leaché, Professor, Curator of Genetic Resources and Herpetology, University of Washington, Burke Museum
David Mindell, Former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan / Former Dean and Curator, California Academy of Sciences
Craig Moritz, Professor, Australian National University
Javier Rodríguez, Professor, School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Simon Scarpetta, Assistant Professor, Environmental Management, University of San Francisco
Alan Shabel, Lecturer and Researcher, UC Berkeley
H. Bradley Shaffer, Distinguished Professor, UCLA, Director, La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science
Barbara R. Stein, Researcher
Adam P. Summers, Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishing Sciences and Investigator Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington
Vance T. Vredenburg, Professor, San Francisco State University
Jeff Wall, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine
Alex Hon-Tsen Yu, Professor Emeritus, Department of Life Science, Museum of Zoology, Degree Program of Genome and Systems Biology, National Taiwan University