Studying the MVZ is possible and also appealing because of its rich archival material. From its founding in 1908, the MVZ’s activities have been meticulously recorded. This wealth of detail has allowed earlier expeditions to be recreated both figuratively and literally.
The following references are listed in the order in which they appear on the website (rather than alphabetically).
MVZ History
- Stein, Barbara R. 2001. On her own terms: Annie Montague Alexander and the rise of science in the American West. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Gerson, Elihu M. 1998. “The American system of research: Evolutionary biology, 1890-1950.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago.
- Griesemer, James R. 1990. “Modeling in the museum: On the role of remnant models in the work of Joseph Grinnell.” Biology and Philosophy 5: 3-36.
- Griesemer, James R., and Elihu M. Gerson. 1993. “Collaboration in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.” Journal of the History of Biology 26: 185-204.
- Shavit, Ayelet and James Griesemer. 2009. “There and Back Again, or the Problem of Locality in Biodiversity Surveys,” Philosophy of Science 76: 273–294.
- Star, Susan Leigh and James R. Griesemer. 1989. “Institutional ecology, ‘translations’ and boundary objects: Amateurs and professionals in Berkeley’s MVZ, 1907–1939.” Social Studies of Science 19: 387–420.
- Sunderland, Mary. “Teaching Natural History at the MVZ,” The British Journal for the History of Science, in press.
For a general introduction to the MVZ:
- Images
- San Jacinto Map: Mammal-fieldwork1-map.jpg, cropped from img_10048.tif, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Collectors: Mammal-field2-workers.jpg, img_45.tif, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Tents: Mammal-field3-tents.jpg, img_53.tif, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Workers writing in the Field: Mammal-field4-writing.jpg, img_6343.tif, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Research Question and Location
- Joseph Grinnell to Annie Alexander, 18 February 1908, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Alexander correspondence, folder Alexander 1908.
- Joseph Grinnell to Annie Alexander, 5 May 1908,MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Alexander correspondence, folder Alexander 1908.
- Chris Conroy, e-mail correspondence with Karen Klitz, 29 November and 3 December 2010.
- Collectors
- Joseph Grinnell to Annie Alexander, 4 April 1908, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Alexander correspondence, folder Alexander 1908.
- Joseph Grinnell to Annie Alexander, 16 April 1908, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Alexander correspondence, folder Alexander 1908.
- Major Expeditions to 2000.xls, created by Karen Klitz from MVZ field notes.
- Arctos specimen database,
- Equipment
- "Expedition Outfit List," April 15, 1934, Misc. Archives, MVZ, Berkeley, folder Museum Methods.
- Walter P. Taylor to Joseph Grinnell, 18 April 1908, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Taylor correspondence, folder Taylor 1908-1910.
- Field Notes
- Joseph Grinnell to Annie Alexander, 18 February 1908, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Alexander correspondence, folder Alexander 1908.
Mammals - Field Work
- Path based on information from Monica Albe, James Patton and Chris Conroy.
- All photographs taken by Karen Klitz.
Mammals - Museum Work
- Patton, James L. and Margaret F. Smith. 1990. “The Evolutionary Dynamics of the Pocket Gopher Thomomys bottae, with Emphasis on California Populations.” University of California Publications in Zoology 123: vii–161.
- Patton, James. 1967. “Chromosome Studies of Certain Pocket Mice, Genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae).” Journal of Mammalogy 48: 27–37.
- Patton, James and Margaret F. Smith. 1981. Molecular Evolution in Thomomys: phyletc systematics, paraphyly, and rates of evolution. Journal of Mammalogy 62: 493–500.
- Patton, James and Phillip V. Brylski. 1987. Pocket Gophers in Alfalfa Fields: Causes and Consequences of Habitat-Related Body Size Variation. The American Naturalist 130: 493–506.
- Patton, James and Margaret F. Smith. 1994. Paraphyly, Polyphyly, and the Nature of Species Boundaries in Pocket Gophers (Genus Thomomys). Systematic Biology 43: 11–26.
Mammals - Research
- Images
- Alden Miller in the field: img_8556, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Columbia Field Station: Bird-field2-station.jpg, img_12614, MVZ image collection, MVZ, Berkeley
- Miller's Map of Territories: Bird-field4-territories.jpg, Miller field notes, Miller, A.H. 1958-1959, MVZ field notebooks collection, MVZ, Berkeley
- Research Questions and Location
- Starker Leopold to Alden Miller, 10 June 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller, “Field Notes Volume I: South America I, Section 2, Jan 1958-Feb 1959,” 15 April 1958, on 52.
- Alden H. Miller, “Report on the Semi-Sabbatical Leave of Alden H. Miller for Spring Term, 1965,” MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller to A. Starker Leopold, 24 November 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller, “Field Notes Volume I: South America I, Section 2, Jan 1958-Feb 1959,” 14 November 1958, on 163.
- Equipment
- Alden H. Miller to Edith Amsbaugh, 23 May 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Starker Leopold to Alden Miller, 29 September 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Frank Pitelka to Alden Miller, 30 October 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Collectors
- Ruben A. Stirton to Ernst Mayr, 19 January 1966, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder A.H. Miller 1965-1966 Obituary.
- Alden H. Miller to A. Starker Leopold, 24 November 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller “Report on the Semi-Sabbatical Leave of Alden H. Miller for Spring Term, 1965,” MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller to Edith Amsbaugh, 20 March1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
- Alden H. Miller to Frank Pitelka, 5 December 1958, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller correspondence, folder Miller 1956-1966.
Birds - Field Work
- Path based on information from Monica Albe and Carla Cicero.
- All photographs taken by Karen Klitz.
Birds - Museum Work
- Images
- Columbia Map: Bird-research1-mapnew.jpg created by Karen Klitz on 29 November 2010 from online map.
- Territory Map: Bird-research2-territories.jpg is Figure 13 from Miller 1968 The Behavioral Ecology and Breeding Biology of the Andean Sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis. Ecologia Vol X No.47.
- Captive Sparrows: Bird-research3-captives.jpg is Plate 2b from Miller 1968 The Behavioral Ecology and Breeding Biology of the Andean Sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis. Ecologia Vol X No.47.
- Nesting Observations: Bird-research4-nestings.jpg is from Figure 1 from Miller 1962 Bimodal Occurrence of Breeding in an Equatorial Sparrow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol.48, No.3.
- Biogeography
- Ruben Stirton to Ernst Mayr, 19 January 1966, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller Obituary Files.
- Miller, Alden H. 1959. “Reproductive Cycles in an Equatorial Sparrow.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 45: 1095–1100, on 1097.
- Alden H. Miller. 1961. "Molt Cycles in Equatorial Andean Sparrows." The Condor 63: 143-61, on 156.
- Field Observations
- Alden H. Miller, "Field Notes, Volume II, South America II (en route, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia). Section 5, Zonotrichia capensis. 1958-1959," MVZ field notebooks collection, MVZ, Berkeley, 1-215.
- Alden H. Miller. 1962. "Bimodal Occurrence of Breeding in an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 48: 396-400, on 397-400.
- Alden H. Miller. 1961. "Molt Cycles in Equatorial Andean Sparrows." The Condor 63: 143-61, on 143.
- Captive Observations
- Alden H. Miller. 1965. "Capacity for Photoperiodic Response and Endogenous Factors in the Reproductive Cycles of an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 54: 97-101, on 97-98.
- Alden H. Miller. 1959. "Reproductive Cycles in an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 45: 1095-1100, on 1096-97.
- Alden H. Miller. 1962. "Bimodal Occurrence of Breeding in an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 48: 396-400, on 400.
- Alden H. Miller. 1961. "Molt Cycles in Equatorial Andean Sparrows." The Condor 63: 143-61, on 151.
- Physiology
- Alden H. Miller, "Field Notes, Volume II, South America II (en route, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia). Section 5, Zonotrichia capensis. 1958-1959," MVZ field notebooks collection, MVZ, Berkeley, 1-215.
- Alden H. Miller, 1959. "Reproductive Cycles in an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 45: 1095-1100, on 1097.
- Charles G. Sibley to Ernst Mayr, 22 January 1966, MVZ correspondence files, MVZ, Berkeley, Miller Obituary Files.
- Alden H. Miller. 1962. "Bimodal Occurrence of Breeding in an Equatorial Sparrow." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 48: 396-400, on 399.
Birds - Research
Reptiles and Amphibians
- Images
- Map: Herp-field1a-map.jpg, digital photo taken by Karen Klitz of map in collection of David B. Wake, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Lynch in the Field: Herp-field2a-Lynch.jpg, from collection of David B. Wake, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Wake in the Field: Herp-field3a-machete.jpg, from collection of David B. Wake, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Field Notes: Herp-field4a-LynchFNsalam.jpg, from the collection of David B. Wake, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Research Question and Location
- Paul Elias, "Paul Elias Field Notes 1974," 23-24 August 1974, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley, Section 1, page 1.
- Paul Elias, "Paul Elias Field Notes 1975-1977," 2 August 1977, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley, Section 4, page 78.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F." 12 June 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F." 10 June 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Collectors
- James Lynch. 1974. Ontogenetic and geographic variation in the morphology and ecology of the black salamander (Aneides flavipunctatus), page vii
- Equipment
- Paul Elias, "Paul Elias Field Notes 1974," 22-23 August 1974, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley, Section 1, page 2.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F.," 9 June 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F.," 8 July 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F.," 3 July 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Lynch, Yang, Papenfuss, Studies of Neotropical Salamanders of the Genus Pseudoeurycea I: Systematic Status of Pseudoeurycea unguidentis, 1977.
- Field Notes
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F.," 6 July 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- James F. Lynch, "Field Notes, Lynch J.F.," 11 June 1970, MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley.
- Paul Elias, "Paul Elias Field Notes 1975-1977," MVZ field note collection, MVZ, Berkeley, on 75.
Reptiles and Amphibians - Field Work
- Path based on information from Michelle Koo, Monica Albe and Carol Spencer.
- All photographs taken by Karen Klitz.
Reptiles and Amphibians - Museum Work
- James Lynch. 1974. "Ontogenetic and Geographic Variation in the Morphology and Ecology of the Black Salamander (Aneides flavipunctatus)." PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, on 162.
- James Lynch, Suh Yung Yang and Theodore J. Papenfuss. 1977. "Studies of Neotropical Salamanders of the Genus Pseudoeurycea, I: Systematic Status of Pseudoeurycea unguidentis." Herpetologica 33: 46-52.
Reptiles and Amphibians - Research