MVZ Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Student Researchers

Steve Beissinger
Steve Beissinger
MVZ Affiliated Faculty and Professor of Conservation Biology.
Project Contact
Rauri Bowie
Rauri Bowie
Associate Professor and Curator of Birds
Carla Cicero
Carla Cicero
Staff Curator of Birds
Chris Conroy
Chris Conroy
Staff Curator of Mammals
Tali Hammond
Tali Hammond
Ph.D. Student
Michelle Koo
Michelle Koo
Staff Curator of Informatics
Eileen Lacey
Eileen Lacey
Professor and Curator of Mammalogy
Sarah MacLean
Sarah MacLean
Ph.D. student
Jim McGuire
Jim McGuire
Associate Professor and Curator of Herpetology
Michael Nachman
Michael Nachman
MVZ Director and Curator of Mammalogy
Tierne Nickel
Tierne Nickel
Ph.D. student
Theodore Papenfuss
Theodore Papenfuss
James L. Patton
James L. Patton
Emeritus Professor and Curator of Mammalogy
Carol Spencer
Carol Spencer
Staff Curator of Herpetology