
Faculty Curators and Affiliated Faculty in the MVZ hold positions in the departments of Integrative Biology and ESPM, where they offer a variety of classes and seminars in vertebrate biology, evolution, and conservation. Students are exposed to key biological concepts and are taught to look at the natural world with a scientific mind. In the classroom, students evaluate scientific journal articles, discuss ideas and experimental design, and learn critical thinking.

Many of these classes have labs, which use the extensive MVZ collections to train students in animal diversity, identification, comparative morphology and museum-based research. A number of classes also have field trips requirements, which provide students with experience in animal observation and field methods. Field trips may include visits to the East Bay Regional Park and UC Natural Reserve systems, spanning a variety of distinct habitat types that support a diverse vertebrate fauna.

Be sure to check the Berkeley General Catalog for up-to-date class listings and availability.

List of Classes

Name of Course Course TitleUnits
Supervised Independent Study and Research 6
BIOLOGY 1BGeneral Biology Lecture and Laboratory 4
CMPBIO 293Doctoral Seminar in Conservation Biology 2
IB C156
Principles of Conservation Biology 3-4
IB C144
Animal Behavior 4
IB C204
Research Reviews in Animal Behavior: Behavior Review 1
ESPM 137Landscape Ecology3
ESPM 139The Environment and the Self: an Eco Practicum 22
ESPM 198BC Berkeley Connect1
ESPM 114 Wildlife Ecology3
ESPM 281 Seminar in Wildlife Biology and Management 2
ESPM 290Special Topics in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management1-4
IB 24Freshman Seminars: Night (and Day) in the Museum: What Really Goes on in Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology? 1
IB 104Natural History of the Vertebrates3
IB 104L Vertebrate Natural History Laboratory2
IB 130Evolutionary and Functional Vertebrate Morphology4
IB 130L Laboratory in Evolutionary and Functional Vertebrate Morphology2
IB 134Practical Genomics4
IB 137Human Endocrinology 4
IB 146Behavior Ecology3
IB 149Molecular Approaches to Behavior and Ecology3
IB 160Evolution4
IB 166Evolutionary Biogeography4
IB 173Mammalogy2
IB 173LMammalogy Laboratory3
IB 174Ornithology2
IB 174LOrnithology Laboratory2
IB 175Herpetology2
IB175LFHerpetology Laboratory4
IB 177Ichthyology4
IB 198General Comparison and Diversity in Vertebrate Anatomy1
IB 222 Seminar in Physiological Energetics and Biomechanics2
IB 232Seminar in Biomechanics 2
IB 234Seminar on Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles1
IB 250Seminar in Ecology2
IB 264Seminar in Evolutionary Biology of the Vertebrates1
IB 265Advanced Studies in Hominid Paleobiology2
IB 290Research Seminar: Topics in Phylogenetic1-2
IB 291Museum and Field Techniques in Vertebrate Natural History1
MCB 104Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology4
MCB 149The Human Genome 3
MCB 249Research Review in Genetics and Development: Genome Sequences 2
MCB 288 Data Science for Molecular and Cell Biology2
STAT 88Probability and Mathematical Statistics in Data Science3